Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I was always pretty certain that I was going to study 日本語 in college, but what confirmed it for me was my month long trip to 東京 (Tokyo) this summer. 東京で、日本語のべんきょうしました。がくせいでした。たかだのばばでわたしのがっこうでした。なかのしんばしで、わたしのアパートでした。School was very difficult because all of the classes were conducted entirely in 日本語, with pictures and gestures to try to explain a lot of the concepts. The students at the language school came from all over the world, mainly from ドイツ, フランス、かんこく、and たいわん, so naturally there was no real common language to teach in. However, I found the challenge to be extremely useful because I was forced to try to understand what was being explained from a Japanese person's point of view, without being able to ask for clarification in English. The teachers also never wrote in romaji and immediately started with ひらがな, so I constantly had to keep consulting a chart of the characters, and my writing was awful at first. By the end of a month, though, writing had become much easier and I felt like I had mastered ひらがな. Knowing ひらがな has definitely been very useful these first few weeks. I am really enjoying learning more vocabulary, which was something we did not do much of in school. 日本語のべんきょうだいすきです!


Monday, September 20, 2010


I decided to study Japanese for a number of reasons. I have always had a fascination with Japanese culture - not one aspect in particular - but more of how modern Japanese culture is such an interesting combination of modern western culture and ancient traditional Japanese culture. After going to Tokyo to study at a Japanese language school this summer, I became even more fascinated with Japan and knew I really wanted to study Japanese in school. My plan is to eventually be a lawyer when I get out of school and I hope to be able to work in Japan.
In addition, I am also planning to do a concentration in linguistics at Columbia and one of the requirements for that concentration is two years of a non-Indo-European language. I think that Japanese is perfect for that requirement because it is essentially a language isolate - at least in the way that it is spoken, it is not related to any other world languages. I think that studying the differences between such a complex and isolated language and other world languages will be very interesting from a linguistics perspective.
I am very excited to start learning more and more vocabulary to be able to actually carry on a conversation in Japanese, and I am also very excited to start learning kanji because I think they are such an interesting and integral part of the Japanese language.
Japanese vocabulary in general is definitely very difficult because of the fact that aside from the words that are derived from English, words are just completely different from any sort of European language that I could relate to. However, I feel that as time goes on, the vocabulary will slowly start to form patterns and make sense in the same way that a language I am more familiar with does.



