Sunday, December 12, 2010





このしゃしんは、東京とちょうしゃ (Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building) のながめ (view)です。東京のビルは、たかいですね!



こうきょ(Tokyo Imperial Palace)です。東京のちゅうおう(center)にあります。とてもおおきです。きれいなにわやこえんがたくさんあります。
東京こくりつきんだいびじゅつかん (Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art)。とてもおもしろいえがたくさんあります。

よこはまのちゅうかがい (Yokohama Chinatown) です。アジアの中でいちばんおおきちゅうおかがいです。中国のレストランやみせがあります。


これはよこはまのみなとみらいです。とてもいれいです。かんらんしゃ(Ferris Wheel)のなまえは、Cosmo Clock 21です。とてもたかいです。


Monday, December 6, 2010



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Katakana Analysis Final Draft

Perhaps the most interesting katakana expressions I found were the subject headings for the あさひしんぶん Online, which is the online version of a major Japanese newspaper. Though the website is entirely in Japanese (there are separate foreign language editions), the headings for each of the individuals topics were essentially all English words written in katakana. They include ウォーキング (Working), ブック (Book)、トラベル (Travel), カルチャー (Culture), and シネマ (Cinema). Obviously, there are Japanese words for all of these things, but the decision to write them as English loanwords in katakana suggests a very conscious choice on the part of the newspaper. As one of the textbook excerpts noted, katakana is often used as a way of appearing cosmopolitan and global, which seems to be the intent here. By writing their subject headings in katakana-ized English, they can give the impression of writing on more global topics and appealing to a more global audience. Because English is quickly becoming the universal world language, it seems like Japanese newspapers and similar organizations can take advantage of that fact by anglicizing what they choose to write. Of course, they do not want to completely take away the Japanese aspect of the paper because that would be a disservice to their readers. Instead, they are taking part in a movement towards the use of English as a worldwide lingua franca but still keeping it within the confines of their language by using katakana. The Japanese writing system is rooted in centuries of tradition and uniqueness, and so writers would not simply want to begin using only rōmaji. Using katakana-ized English that retains the essence of Japanese script and pronunciation while introducing readers to these new, exotic, and potentially very useful words creates a nice balance between traditional Japanese culture and the influx of western and English ideas.

The other interesting word I found was バイキング, a word which means "buffet" in Japanese. Phonetically it sounds like the English word "Viking," and it does have that meaning in Japanese as well. However, as 浜田先生 told me, most Japanese people would first think of a buffet if they heard that word. Apparently the origin of this term used to describe a buffet stems from a restaurant called the Imperial Viking, located in the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. (Source at bottom) This restaurant was the first in Japan to serve buffet-style, all-you-can-eat meals. This particular term is an excellent example of the reinvention of foreign loanwords and their new applications within the context of Japanese culture.

I think each textbook had a different manner of explaining katakana due to the different viewpoints, interests, and intentions of any given textbook author. Most of the textbooks were similar in their description of katakana as a syllabary used to write loanwords, onomatopoeia, and words an author chooses to emphasize. The textbook that stood out was the one that also emphasized the more cultural aspect of katakana and its use in Japanese printed material to seem more cosmopolitan and sophisticated. As I found in the Asahi Shimbun Online and as I saw first-hand in Tokyo, it is true that even when a completely suitable Japanese word exists, many times people consciously decide to write in katakana-ized English or another foreign language. I think that the last textbook was the most comprehensive and interesting in its manner of explaining katakana because it went into greater depth regarding the cultural applications of katakana. While it is completely sufficient to say that katakana is used in loanwords and onomatopoeia, explaining more about how and when those loanwords will appear gives readers of Japanese a better idea of what to expect when they read printed material in Japanese.

*Source regarding origin of バイキング

Thursday, November 11, 2010


山田さん へ:


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Katakana Literary Work










Sunday, October 31, 2010

Katakana Analysis Draft

Perhaps the most interesting katakana expressions I found were the subject headings for the あさひしんぶん Online, which is the online version of a major Japanese newspaper. Though the website is entirely in Japanese (there are separate foreign language editions), the headings for each of the individuals topics were essentially all English words written in katakana. They include ウォーキング (Working), ブック (Book)、トラベル (Travel), カルチャー (Culture), and シネマ (Cinema). Obviously, there are Japanese words for all of these things, but the decision to write them as English loanwords in katakana suggests a very conscious choice on the part of the newspaper. As one of the textbook excerpts noted, katakana is often used as a way of appearing cosmopolitan and global, which seems to be the intent here. By writing their subject headings in katakana-ized English, they can give the impression of writing on more global topics and appealing to a more global audience. 
The other interesting word I found was バイキング, a word which means "buffet" in Japanese. Phonetically it sounds like the English word "Viking," and it does have that meaning in Japanese as well. However, as 浜田先生 told me, most Japanese people would first think of a buffet if they heard that word. Apparently the origin of this term used to describe a buffet stems from a restaurant called the Imperial Viking, located in the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. This restaurant was the first in Japan to serve buffet-style, all-you-can-eat meals. This particular term is an excellent example of the reinvention of foreign loanwords and their new applications within the context of Japanese culture.
I think each textbook had a different manner of explaining katakana due to the different viewpoints, interests, and intentions of any given textbook author. Most of the textbooks were similar in their description of katakana as a syllabary used to write loanwords, onomatopoeia, and words an author chooses to emphasize. The textbook that stood out was the one that also emphasized the more cultural aspect of katakana and its use in Japanese printed material to seem more cosmopolitan and sophisticated. As I found in the Asahi Shimbun Online and as I saw first-hand in Tokyo, it is true that even when a completely suitable Japanese word exists, many times people consciously decide to write in katakana-ized English or another foreign language. I think that the last textbook was the most comprehensive and interesting in its manner of explaining katakana because it went into greater depth regarding the cultural applications of katakana. While it is completely sufficient to say that katakana is used in loanwords and onomatopoeia, explaining more about how and when those loanwords will appear gives readers of Japanese a better idea of what to expect when they read printed material in Japanese.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


しちがつじゅうろくにちからはちがつしちにちまでにほんでいました。これは、わたしのスケジュールでした。げつようびからきんようびまで、ごぜんはちじにおきます。それからわたしのアパートからにほんごのがっこうまでちかてつとでんしゃでがっこうへいきました。くじからいちじまでにほんごおべんきょうしました。それからともだちと、ひるごはんをたべました。ラーメンとぎゅうどんとぎょざをたべました。にほんごのりょうりがすきです。それから、アパートへかえりました。まいばん, many places へいきました。ともだちと、しんじゅくやしぶややうえのこえんえいきました。レストランでたべました。じゅうにじにうちえかえりました。ごぜにちじにねました。

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I was always pretty certain that I was going to study 日本語 in college, but what confirmed it for me was my month long trip to 東京 (Tokyo) this summer. 東京で、日本語のべんきょうしました。がくせいでした。たかだのばばでわたしのがっこうでした。なかのしんばしで、わたしのアパートでした。School was very difficult because all of the classes were conducted entirely in 日本語, with pictures and gestures to try to explain a lot of the concepts. The students at the language school came from all over the world, mainly from ドイツ, フランス、かんこく、and たいわん, so naturally there was no real common language to teach in. However, I found the challenge to be extremely useful because I was forced to try to understand what was being explained from a Japanese person's point of view, without being able to ask for clarification in English. The teachers also never wrote in romaji and immediately started with ひらがな, so I constantly had to keep consulting a chart of the characters, and my writing was awful at first. By the end of a month, though, writing had become much easier and I felt like I had mastered ひらがな. Knowing ひらがな has definitely been very useful these first few weeks. I am really enjoying learning more vocabulary, which was something we did not do much of in school. 日本語のべんきょうだいすきです!


Monday, September 20, 2010


I decided to study Japanese for a number of reasons. I have always had a fascination with Japanese culture - not one aspect in particular - but more of how modern Japanese culture is such an interesting combination of modern western culture and ancient traditional Japanese culture. After going to Tokyo to study at a Japanese language school this summer, I became even more fascinated with Japan and knew I really wanted to study Japanese in school. My plan is to eventually be a lawyer when I get out of school and I hope to be able to work in Japan.
In addition, I am also planning to do a concentration in linguistics at Columbia and one of the requirements for that concentration is two years of a non-Indo-European language. I think that Japanese is perfect for that requirement because it is essentially a language isolate - at least in the way that it is spoken, it is not related to any other world languages. I think that studying the differences between such a complex and isolated language and other world languages will be very interesting from a linguistics perspective.
I am very excited to start learning more and more vocabulary to be able to actually carry on a conversation in Japanese, and I am also very excited to start learning kanji because I think they are such an interesting and integral part of the Japanese language.
Japanese vocabulary in general is definitely very difficult because of the fact that aside from the words that are derived from English, words are just completely different from any sort of European language that I could relate to. However, I feel that as time goes on, the vocabulary will slowly start to form patterns and make sense in the same way that a language I am more familiar with does.



